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October 2, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


My Father’s Chin

Hashchatat Zakan Nazir 41b As a child, I always wanted to know what my father’s chin looked like. But I never got to see it.

Words Related to Marriage

ארוסין: This word has its origin in Tanach, where it is always spelled with a “sin.” E.g., ארשׂ (Deuteronomy 20:7). Many words were spelled with

Nefilat Apayim Without a Sefer Torah

לעילוי נשמת יואל אפרים בן אברהם עוזיאל זלצמן ז”ל Question: What are the rules of when one does and does not do nefilat apayim (putting


Rebbe Yeshaya Steiner of Kerestir, zt”l, “Reb Shayaleh,” was beloved and respected as a tzaddik, rebbe and miracle worker, who dedicated his life to the

Daf Yomi 53: Defy Gravity

Rabbi Meir of Premishlan would get up early each morning and make his way up the mountain next to his village to purify himself in

Zera Shimshon on Parshas Vayakhel/Pekudei

וַיּעֲַשׂוּ כָל חֲכַם לֵב בְּעשֵֹׂי הַמְּלָאכָה אֶת הַמִּשְׁכָּן עֶשֶׂר ירְִיעתֹ שֵׁשׁ מָשְׁזָר וּתְכֵלֶת וְאַרְגָּמָן וְתוֹלַעַת שָׁנִי כְּרֻבִים מַעֲשֵׂה חשֵׁב עָשָׂה אתָֹם (שמות לו:ח) “Then, all

Beyond Bubble Wrap

Who generates the most excitement? I would venture to say it’s the Fed-Ex or UPS guy. (By the way, did you know Fed-Ex and UPS

Only Sumchos

After fifth-generation Tanna, Rabbi Meir died, his contemporary Rabbi Yehuda didn’t want an influx of Rabbi Meir’s students, whom he considered troublemakers (Nazir 49-50). He

Renewal and Revival

Parashiyot VaYakhel-Pekudei, Shabbat HaChodesh “Hachodesh hazeh lachem rosh chodashim … ” This week’s special maftir reading taken from the 12th perek in Shemot, opens with

Doing More Than We Say

שַׁמַּאי אוֹמֵר… אֱמֹר מְעַט וַעֲשֵׂה הַרְבֵּה… (אבות א:טו) שִׁמְעוֹן בְּנוֹ אוֹמֵר, כָּל יָמַי גָּדַלְתִּי בֵין הַחֲכָמִים, וְלֹא מָצָאתִי לַגּוּף טוֹב אֶלָּא שְׁתִיקָה. וְלֹא הַמִּדְרָשׁ הוּא

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