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October 2, 2024
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Mitzvos Ledoros and Hora’os Sha’ah

Editor’s note: This series is reprinted with permission from “Insights & Attitudes: Torah Essays on Fundamental Halachic and Hashkafic Issues,” a publication of The

The Social Animal

At the beginning of this parsha Moses performs a tikkun, a mending of the past, namely the sin of the Golden Calf. The Torah signals

Spotlight on Sammy Sussman

f Sammy Sussman lives in Teaneck and goes to The Bryant School. He is 4 years old. He’s the first one in his house to

Parshiot Vayakhel-Pekudei

Last week’s cufflinks were the classic theater masks, representing: 1) The Israelites went from the high of matan Torah to the low of the chet

Making Space

Being the new kid in school is not easy. But sometimes, it can be even harder to be the kid who befriends the new kid

Israel’s North Breached

Security forces neutralized a terrorist who carried out the terror attack adjacent to the Megiddo Junction. A terrorist found with multiple weapons and wearing a

The Ethic of Holiness

With parshat Tetzaveh, something new enters Judaism: Torat Kohanim, the world and mindset of the Priest. Rapidly it becomes a central dimension of Judaism. It

Zachor: Thanks for the Reminder

Legendary British financier, banker, activist and philanthropist, Sir Moses (Moshe Chaim) Montefiore, z”l, was not only the beloved rosh ha-kahal of the British Jewish community,

The Torah Shebe’al Peh

Editor’s note: This series is reprinted with permission from “Insights & Attitudes: Torah Essays on Fundamental Halachic and Hashkafic Issues,” a publication of The

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