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September 20, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Unsung Hero

There are a lot of interesting bar mitzvah minhagim that people have, and one of them is for the father to stand up and thank


Hi! Were you able to decipher that the cufflinks last week were little cans of Red Bull? Could I have given an easier possible clue

Israel’s Two Big Lies

Israel’s internal political debates are so heated in part because they are grounded in bull. On the day of his arrest, Feb. 12, 1974, Aleksandr

The Snake and the Tzaddik

The great tzaddik, Chacham Eliyahu haKohen haItamari of Izmir (died 1729), was a famed Kabbalist and Dayan who authored more than 30 seforim—including “Sefer Shevet

Speaking From Experience

Chapter 1 My story begins back in 2012, as I was finishing a degree in accounting at Lander College. I was learning with my chavrusa,

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