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October 3, 2024
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The Song ‘Yah Ribon Olam’

This zemer, song, was authored by Yisrael ben Moshe Najara (c. 1555- 1625, biography is below). His name ישראל is spelled by the first letter

All the Way Up

Well, my friends, we’ve come to another exciting episode of “What’s Going on in My Brain?” Each week, you get a glimpse inside the workings

Crime and Punishment

Parshat Va’era The bulk of parshat Va’era revolves around the first seven plagues visited upon the Egyptians, the warnings given to Pharaoh and his stubborn

Free Will

The question is ancient. If God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, then it was God who made Pharaoh refuse to let the Israelites go, not Pharaoh himself.

Avoiding Slavery Today

After many years of slavery in Egypt, the time has come. God can easily take the people out of Egypt. What is standing in the

The Pain, the Effort and the Process

בֶּן הֵא הֵא אוֹמֵר, לְפוּם צַעֲרָא אגרא: (אבות ה:כג) Because Masechet Avot initially consisted of five perakim, the fifth perek’s last words are also the

On Not Obeying Immoral Orders

The opening chapters of Exodus plunge us into the midst of epic events. Almost at a stroke the Israelites are transformed from protected minority to

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