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October 5, 2024
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The Kindness of Strangers

In 1966 an 11-year-old black boy moved with his parents and family to a white neighborhood in Washington. Sitting with his two brothers and two

Providing for a Successful Future

Parshat Chayei Sarah Over the years, we have discussed the comparisons — as well as the contrasts — between the stories related in the parsha

The Ultimate Respect

A central mandate of the Jewish people is Kiddush Hashem, the sanctification of God’s name by making His presence felt in our world. Avraham was

Bubble Wrap

When I was growing up there was hardly anything more exciting than receiving a package in the mail. We would open the package and admiringly

How Straight Is Beautiful

רַבִּי אוֹמֵר, אֵיזוֹהִי דֶרֶךְ יְשָׁרָה שֶׁיָּבוֹר לוֹ הָאָדָם? כֹּל שֶׁהִיא תִפְאֶרֶת לְעוֹשֶׂיהָ וְתִפְאֶרֶת לוֹ מִן הָאָדָם … (אבות ב:א) As we saw last time, Rabbi

Correcting Praise About Rain

Question: At a time of year when we do not mention rain in Shemoneh Esrei’s second beracha, the chazan started saying, “mashiv haruach …” People

Leaving Eretz Yisrael

Editor’s note: This series is reprinted with permission from “Insights & Attitudes: Torah Essays on Fundamental Halachic and Hashkafic Issues,” a publication of The

Holy Schlepping

The holy Rav Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, zt”l, was one of the great tzaddikim of Yerushalayim in the early part of the 20th century. A talmid

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