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October 7, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Harmless Creatures

It’s come to my attention that although every year during the Nine Days I run an article about safety, I don’t run nearly enough articles

Build Someone’s Dignity

This coming week we commemorate “Tisha B’Av,” the day set aside for mourning the tragic destruction of the ancient Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest

Oaths and Vows

The parsha of Matot begins with a passage about vows and oaths and their annulment. It uses vocabulary that was later to be adopted and

Probing the Prophets

Parshiyot Matot – Mas’ei This week’s haftarah, the second of the “t’lat d’pur’anuta — three haftarot of punishment,” that precede Tisha B’av, is taken from


Nearly two centuries after his petira, the great leader of world Jewry, Rav Moshe Sofer, “the Chasam Sofer,” remains a paradigm of how impactful a

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