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October 7, 2024
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Yearning for Eretz Yisrael

It seems like an unfair request, almost cruel in a way … As Am Yisrael stands at the border of Eretz Yisrael and begins to

Visiting Egypt

Question: I am considering sightseeing in Egypt. Need I be concerned with the Torah’s prohibition of returning to Egypt? Answer: We will not address the

Relinquishing Honor

 Ketubot 17a On Ketubot 17a, a Baraita discusses traffic situations and right-of-way. A funeral procession yields to (or, reroutes before) a wedding procession, and both

If Only

Rav Chizkiyahu Mishkovsky, shlita, a prolific educator and talmid chacham, is mashgiach ruchani of Yeshiva Gaon Yaakov and the menahel of Yeshiva Orchos Torah in

The Encyclopedia Talmudit

I thought it would be interesting to discuss this monumental work that is still not finished. This is an encyclopedia in Hebrew that aims to

Twenty-Five Years in Israel

On July 29, our family will celebrate 25 years in Israel. I want to use this quarter-century anniversary column to correct three of my own

Summer 2022 at Moshava IO

Summer is the time for kids to let loose and enjoy themselves after a demanding academic school year. At Moshava, campers not only get to

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