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October 8, 2024
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The Ethic of Love

I confess to a thrill every time I read these words: Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites.

Do Orthodox Jews Enjoy Free Will?

Yoshiyahu HaMelech Rescues Torah Observance! What a dramatic question we posed in our Navi Shiur at TABC! We discussed the Teshuva movement led by the

Remembering Our Divine Mission

Parashat Naso This week, we read the story of Shimshon from Sefer Shoftim as the Haftarah, a selection that connects to the laws of the

The Significance of Three

הוּא (שִׁמְעוֹן הַצַּדִּיק) הָיָה אוֹמֵר, עַל שְׁלשָׁה דְבָרִים הָעוֹלָם עוֹמֵד, עַל הַתּוֹרָה וְעַל הָעֲבוֹדָה וְעַל גְּמִילוּת חֲסָדִים. (א:ב) He (Shimon Hatzadik) would say: The world

Where Credit Is Due: Yevamot 96-97

In Yevamot 96b, Rabbi Yochanan (a second-generation Amora from Teveriah) is furious with his student, Rabbi Eleazar ben Pedat (a second-generation Amora from Teveriah), who

Prying Open

During my years in yeshiva Shaarei Torah a fellow named Moshe, who was not a student, would at times circle the yeshiva. At times he

Missing Husbands and Agunot

Yevamot 87b “We have been happily married for one year and my husband has been missing for over two months. On that fateful morning, on

Feeling Blessed

In the middle of Parshat Naso, we encounter the mitzvah of Birkat Kohanim, the blessing given by the Kohanim to Bnei Yisrael on a regular

The History of the Bar Mitzvah

I am largely basing this column on Bar Mitzvah: A History, by Michael Hilton (2014). In Gen. Rabbah 63:10, there is the following passage: “Rabbi

Disrupting Our Grading Ecosystem

The Use of Grades Students today experience a greater sense of anxiety than ever before. Hundreds of articles, op-eds, and essays have been written describing

Our Greatest Gifts

This week’s parsha, Parshat Naso, is the longest single portion in the Torah, containing 176 verses that span myriad topics that include the continuation of

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