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October 10, 2024
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לזכר נשמת חו”מ נטע יצחק בן אלכסנדר It’s the month(s) of Adar, a time of increased joy. As Purim continues to approach, the excitement continues

Memuchan Is Haman: So What?

 Memuchan Is Haman It is a well-known connection. Chazal (Megillah 12b) identify Memuchan, the adviser to Achashverosh who urges the king to kill Vashti for

Haman and Today’s Purim Battle

As we encounter our victory over Haman, let us delve deeper into the unique spiritual and existential battle that the Jewish people must continue to

Purim, Partying and Parameters

The holiday of Purim celebrates one of the happiest times in Jewish history. With the destruction of the first Beit Hamikdash and all of its

Just for Kix

Let it never be said that the Gewirtz family is not a group of adventurous risk-takers. No, we don’t sky-dive, bungee jump or pick up

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