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October 12, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Yoram Raanan: Enriching Lives Through Art

Artist Yoram Raanan straddles multiple worlds, dancing back and forth between the spiritual and physical, heavenly and earthly, contemporary and old. His one-of-a-kind artwork is

Presents of the Future

Are you bad at buying Chanukah gifts? Well, do we have some ideas for you! They’re bad ideas, of course, but that’s what makes them

Pathetic Presents

On Chanukah, gift-giving is not required but in many Jewish communities it has become an unofficial custom. There can be tremendous pressure to buy the

Sensitivity Training

Shlomo Markowitz was no delicate “snowflake.” He didn’t get insulted easily, and he definitely didn’t mind when people made insensitive jokes. Shlomo was tough, and

Parshat Miketz

In this week’s parsha, Joseph has a dream of 7 beautiful cows and 7 ugly ones and the seven ugly cows ate the nice cows,

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