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October 14, 2024
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Viscosity Values

A cholent’s viscosity can say plenty about the cholent’s maker. Though often overlooked or underappreciated, cholent viscosity can actually be a proverbial window into the

Seeing Double

Dear Shayna B., My family is special. We have two sets of twins. My older brother and sister are twins and my younger siblings are

Hook, Line and Sinker

Parsha Ki Tavo Purposely fooling people or giving them bad advice is wrong. In this week’s portion (Deut. 27:18, see Rashi) the Torah instructs us

Against Hate

Rabbi Sacks, zt’’l, had prepared a full year of Covenant & Conversation for 5781, based on his book “Lessons in Leadership.” Ki Teitzei contains more

‘I Told You So’

Parshat Ki Teitzei According to Josephus, there were 1.1 million Jews living in Yerushalayim in the year 66 CE, before the Romans destroyed Bayit Sheni

Abaye and Rava Agree

Sukkah 46 One of my favorite songs growing up was from Rechnitzer Rejects (vol 2), “Home on the Blatt,” sung to the tune of “Home

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