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October 14, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


False Witness

A person should be sure he sees someone doing wrong before he points his finger. In this week’s portion (19:16) we learn that God wants

Unlucky Lunch

Dear Shayna B., I hate camp food and so I skip lunch everyday and I’m hungry every day. What should l do? Sincerely, Hungry Hanna

A Fruitful Parsha

In this week’s parsha, Moshe explains the laws of justice and doing battle. One of the laws is not to destroy trees in the field.

The More Things Change…

Anti-Zionism is merely today’s cloak for classical antisemitism. One topic preoccupying pundits who write about Israel is whether anti-Zionism amounts to antisemitism. Those who claim

Defining Reality

Rabbi Sacks, zt’’l, had prepared a full year of Covenant & Conversation for 5781, based on his book ‘Lessons in Leadership.’ One of the gifts

Challenged to Believe

Parshat Re’eh This week’s haftarah is familiar to us from both Parshat Ki Teitzei and Parshat Noach, and, as a result, I wondered whether I

Rabba Tosefa’a: Sukkah 32a

On Sukkah 25a, several late Amoraim deduce, from the Biblical term kapot, the precise contours of taking the lulav branch—that it isn’t the hardened lulav

Becoming a Jewish Educator

To be a Jewish educator is to enable others to think, feel and act differently—today, tomorrow or sometime in the future—through an encounter with one

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