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October 15, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


It’s Bad to Be Bored

Dear Shayna B., I am so bored during the summer. My parents are always working. I’m getting bored of playing with the stuff in the

Good Choice

Matot (Numbers 30:2-32:42) Our choices and decisions don’t only affect ourselves. They have an influence on others as well. In this week’s Torah portion, the

Lessons of a Leader

Rabbi Sacks zt’’l had prepared a full year of Covenant & Conversation for 5781, based on his book Lessons in Leadership. The parsha of Pinchas

To Repair; Not to Reject

Parshat Pinchas The semi-mourning period of “Bein Hametzarim,” the three weeks that precede Tish’a B’av, sets the tone for haftarah readings of the next few

Leaving Our Routine

Our parsha opens with God’s effusive praise of Pinchas for his extra-judicial killing of Zimri and Kozbi. What remains elusive, however, is any hint regarding

Leaving Our Routine

Our parsha opens with God’s effusive praise of Pinchas for his extra-judicial killing of Zimri and Kozbi. What remains elusive, however, is any hint regarding

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