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October 15, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Running From Har Sinai

In this week’s parsha we encounter a startling shift in the tone of Sefer Bamidbar. The first parshiyot describe the nation’s preparations for the departure

‘Od Lo Ovda Tikvateinu’

Parshat Behaalotecha The haftarah that we read this Shabbat is one that is familiar to most of us as it is read both on this

Why Da’ehu?

(Courtesy of Da’ehu) In Why Da’ehu: The Whole Child, we mentioned that students in a Montessori classroom have the same teacher for three years. Students

‘Torah in the AM:’ A Hidden Jewel in Teaneck

אֵלּוּ דְבָרִים שֶׁאֵין לָהֶם שִׁעוּר. הַפֵּאָה, וְהַבִּכּוּרִים, וְהָרֵאָיוֹן, וּגְמִילוּת חֲסָדִים, וְתַלְמוּד תּוֹרָה… These are the things that have no definite quantity: The corners; first-fruits; the

Lighting the Flame of Knowledge

The years of high school are formative and transformational for adolescents. All students, and especially students with learning challenges, should be able to thrive when

Why Did the Jews Stay in Ashkenaz?

This time of year marks 926 years since the massacres of the Rhineland Jewish communities in the First Crusade, and 875 since the anti-Jewish massacres

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