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October 12, 2024
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Having your say in The Link!

Featuring Peter Tilem On Parshat Vayetze: Lavan made Yaacov work 7 years for Rachel and then switched the sisters and gave him Leah. Then he

Cheap Imitation

The Nobel Prizes aren’t for everyone. What do you get if you win a Nobel Prize, other than a medal and a certificate and fame

Sandwich Satisfaction

Jews love sandwiches. From corned beef on rye to bagels and lox, Jews enjoy almost anything between two slices of bread. Most Jews would be

Turkey for None?

Dear Shayna, I am so upset. This year we will not be having Thanksgiving with my grandparents and cousin like usual. Because of coronavirus we

‘Tell Your Rabbis’

“Tell your rabbis, tell your rabbis…” said the soft and sincere voice to me. It was about a week before last Rosh Hashanah, and I

Beyond the Rituals

Parshat Toldot The precise identity of the last prophet in Trei Asar, the navi Malachi, is shrouded in mystery, with the Gemara in Megilla (15a)

The Power of Words

In a recent conversation with some fourth grade students, the topic of conversation turned to the following question: “What is the greatest invention ever created?”

In the Shadow of a Giant

The Gemara of Chagigah 12b cites a baraisa that states: “Woe to those people who see but do not realize what they are seeing, who

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