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September 22, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


The Hatred Syndrome

It is a strange feeling to be hated by people who don’t know you and don’t want to know you. It is perplexing to hear

What’s Your Side Hustle?

Sheitels being set and sold out of a garage. People flipping houses. Tutoring after a grueling day of students. People selling things on Amazon. Everywhere

Light in the Dark

Young influencer counteracts anti-Israel hate with truth, positivity and humor. Everyone needs a little light in their life, especially during the darker times. For some

He’ll Always Be Michael to Me

Rabbi Michael Taubes, who is a rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva University High School for Boys (YUHSB) and at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS), has

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