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October 6, 2024
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Frankfurt Minhagim and Me

Part II Earlier I mentioned what the Rödelheim Siddur says about Keil Melech Ne’eman in Frankfurt minhag. At the end of the third paragraph of

Use Your Head

The Aseret Yemei Teshuvah is a serious time, and we do a lot of things in all seriousness. But in all seriousness, it’s sometimes difficult

Honey Cake Hysteria

Around Rosh Has­hanah time, you can have your cake and eat it too, as long as it’s honey cake. Having honey cake during the High

Speak It, Feel It, Follow It

In Parshat Nitzavim, Moshe describes the Torah as something that is “karov eilecha me’od b’ficha u’b’levavcha la’asoto—very close to your mouth and heart, [allowing you]

When the Walls Fell

Except for the day of 9/11, I have never felt as broken as an SAR teacher as I did this week. But I have never

Open Your Eyes

Parshat Ki Tavo “B’shuv Hashem et shivat Tziyon, hayinu k’cholmim.” David HaMelech penned these words at the beginning of the 126th psalm describing Israel’s reaction

Preserve Your Traditions

As Jews, we are very proud of our history. History connects us to our past and gives us guidelines on how to live our lives.

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