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October 5, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Unknown Opposites

If an alien from outer space were to land on earth, it might be difficult to explain to such a newcomer the current composition of

Parshat Bamidbar: We and Then Me

Parshat Bamidbar discusses the degalim: four groups of Shevatim, each with a specific camping location around the Mishkan. Although bnei Yisrael traveled and camped in

A National Kiddush Hashem

Parshat Va’era I have always felt a special connection to the haftarah that we read this week. This selection from Sefer Yechezkel (28; 25–29; 21)

Graduation Tears

It’s that time of year again in the RYNJ middle school. During these finals weeks, the teachers are clamoring to finish covering their curriculum and

Making the Case for Mentorship: Part II

(This article was originally posted on — Last week, we introduced the concept of mentorship in the development of new teachers, and how

‘I Am Still Her Father’

Alisa Flatow HY”D, a Brandeis University honor student taking off a semester to study in Israel, started her journey to the beach in Gush Katif

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