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October 3, 2024
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Part 3 (Continued from last week) After three days in Holland we had a “kosher driver” from Antwerp pick us up in Amsterdam and drive

Raising Fun

If you’re on some kind of fund-raising committee and are looking for ideas to get money out of the same people again, I would suggest

Nice Numbers

It usually is not a good idea to pick favorites but one could argue that when it comes to numbers, some are better than others.

The Gift of Tahara

I was only 16 1/2 years old. But there I was, seriously considering doing something that even adults dread. But I had no choice. I

Just Punishment

Parshat Va’eira The navi Yechezkel, whose words we read this week as our haftarah, lived in Babylonia during the years preceding and following Churban Bayit

Fanning the Flame

A few nights ago I was sitting at home when I began feeling cold. When I went to the thermostat to raise the heat, I

Evolution and the Torah

Reviewing: “Six Days of Cosmology and Evolution: A Scientific Commentary on the Genesis Text with Rabbinic Sources,” by Daniel Langer. KTAV Publishing House. 2018. English.

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