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September 30, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Avoda Zara 61 and 62

May these words of Torah serve as a merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h. This week we learned Avoda Zara

Tzav: Burning With Bruce

Vayikra 6:4 The clock was ticking. “Dad, we’re almost out of time.” “I don’t care.” “This is serious.” “I know it is. It’s serious for

Ma Nishtana: The Three Questions

The Mishnah in the 10th chapter of Pesacḥim includes a set of Ma Nishtana. If one opens a standard Babylonian Talmud (Pesacḥim 116a), one sees


This year, the Staum family enjoyed a wonderful Purim seuda at the home our friends and neighbors, the Binders, around the corner from our home.

A Message of Hope

Shabbat Hagadol Parshat Tzav The haftarah we read this Shabbat is the final nevuah of our latest prophet, making it the very last prophecy in

Are You Sleeping?

“When a Jew prays the morning prayers and says, ‘Give thanks to God, call out His Name, make His deeds known among the nations,’ he

At Ptach Lo: Raising Sensitive Issues

With v’higadtida l’vincha season underway, many have chinuch on the mind, pondering how to properly relay values to our children. With the Haggadah guiding us,

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