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September 30, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


The Masks of Adar

Let’s start with two givens: Americans who see the value in gun ownership are not going to give up their guns. Period. Additionally, Americans who

My Stories

Part 18 (written 2004) (Continued from last week) Getting a Job Immediately upon my graduation from college in June 1949, Opa had arranged an interview

What Is Your Background Music?

Many of us have a favorite childhood vacation memory. Some of my friends vacationed with their families in the mountains, often referred to by New

Purim Costumes Around Town

Congratulations to the Jewish Link costume contest winners of a gift card to a Teaneck restaurant of their choice! 1st Prize ($150 gift card): The

Converting Alexa to Judaism

Shortly after the first iPhone was released back in 2007, Apple introduced the App Store. Today, many take the App Store for granted as we

Being at Home

Purim gives us the opportunity to josh and poke fun. As soon as it is over we return to real life and the facts at

Out to Lunch

We live in a society that is obsessed with eating. And that extends to criminals too. You’d think criminals would be obsessed with money, but

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