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September 29, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


‘Od Lo Avda Tikvateinu’

Parshat Vayigash One of the best-known prophecies in all of Tanach is “The Vision of the Dry Bones” delivered by the navi Yechezkel. In it,

The ‘New King’ Who Enslaved Us

Parshat Shemot sets the stage for the Exodus by recounting how the Israelites became enslaved (Exod. 1:7-14). First, we are told that a “new king”

Mundane Holiness

This week, one of the non-Jewish teachers in yeshiva related that he is surprised that there were regular general studies classes during Chanukah. He noted

Hashkafically Hesitant

Dear Shoshy, Recently, I have begun to re-evaluate exactly the type of boy I am looking for hashkafically. This has not stemmed from any personal

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