May a Sephardic Jew Rely on a Community Eruv?
The Aruch Hashulchan (Orach Chaim 345:17) affirms the well-known practice of most Ashkenazic Jews to rely upon a community eruv. May Sephardic Jews also rely
The Aruch Hashulchan (Orach Chaim 345:17) affirms the well-known practice of most Ashkenazic Jews to rely upon a community eruv. May Sephardic Jews also rely
Parshat Bereishit The navi Yeshayahu opens his book excoriating the nation for their sins and their abandonment of God (the selection we read on the
What brought Teaneck resident, gabbai rishon at Bnai Yeshurun, chazzan of the West Side Institutional Synagogue for 12 years, Jewish singer and entrepreneur Chaim Kiss
Part IX As the Nazis expanded their control over the Jews of Eastern Europe, there were numerous reports of widespread massacres and executions, mass arrests
We were discussing the other day how as we get older many things that had disturbed us in the past are now just little ripples
Part II It is very difficult to deal with a plague. A plague affects everyone and cannot be eradicated unless every part of the affected
My husband and kids are huge Harry Potter fans. I know a lot of people say that, but my family brings fandom to a new
Performed to packed audiences since its opening on July 4, The Folksbiene’s Yiddish “Fiddler on the Roof” production has extended its run to November 18.
(Courtesy of Kaplen JCC on the Palisades) Looking to break into the competitive and confusing world of professional theater, film, TV or modeling? Now’s your
The new Off-Broadway comedy, “My Parsifal Conductor,” is written by Emmy award, Writers’ Guild award, and Christopher award winner Allan Leicht. The show began previews
(Courtesy of Black Box Studios) Black Box Studios & The Black Box Performing Arts Center, in conjunction with The National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene (NYTF), presents
These days people complain a lot. Politics, weather, sports, yeshiva tuition, work, bullying, taxes etc. Although there are plenty of things to legitimately grouse about,