The Most Under-Appreciated Posek of the Generation: Ribi Shalom Messas, zt”l
The Greatness of Ribi Shalom The greatest halachic authority of Moroccan Jewry in recent times was the universally respected and consulted Sephardic rav of Yerushalayim,
The Greatness of Ribi Shalom The greatest halachic authority of Moroccan Jewry in recent times was the universally respected and consulted Sephardic rav of Yerushalayim,
Many of us are aware that the oldest complete Hebrew Bible is the Leningrad Codex, which dates to the early 11th century. It is currently
Parshat Shelach Whenever discussing this week’s haftarah that relates the story of the spies sent by Yehoshua before the Israelite invasion of Eretz Canaan, the
Shlomo Hamelech stated: “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of celebration, and the living will
Part III The 16th century saw an unprecedented explosion of Jewish historical writing. According to Yerushalmi, “Within the span of 100 years no less than
The raison d’etre of Jewish day schools is to provide a quality education in the areas of Torah and wisdom studies. This, rightfully, generates ambitious
In August 2001 my sister and I spent several weekends cleaning out our mother’s apartment after she died unexpectedly. That experience was firsthand training for
Part 30 (written 2004) (Continued from previous week) To test the waters, I accepted a position as an extern in the professional department of the
My son Daniel came home with a gerbil the other day. These kids pick up the weirdest things in school. Yes, his morah sent it
Goodwill, good-looking, goodness, scattergood and goodbye. The word “good” is all around us but among Jews the word “good” is most famously half of the
We all do it. None of us wants to be judgmental, but at times we are. Recently, upon visiting a family member in the hospital,
Roshei Yeshiva highlight importance of Dirshu Kitzur Shulchan Aruch program at asifa at home of Sanzer Rebbe, shlita. Two pivotal meetings to highlight Dirshu’s new