Attitudes of the Rabbis Toward the Study of Jewish History
Conclusion Firstly I’d like to apologize to my readers for being on a rather long hiatus from my writings. Our new joyful addition to the
Conclusion Firstly I’d like to apologize to my readers for being on a rather long hiatus from my writings. Our new joyful addition to the
I’ve been dating Caren for four months now. When we first started dating, I couldn’t believe how wonderful she was. And she is wonderful. She’s
Part IV “The Jew is no longer front-page news,” lamented Milton K. Susman, editor of Pittsburg’s The Jewish Criterion on September 15, 1939. “Attention has
I am not a funeral director. I wish to convey a lay person’s view of pertinent information about Jewish funerals with the hope that ha’chacham
(Courtesy of BBPAC) The Black Box Performing Arts Center continues to emerge as the tri-state area’s premiere destination for both cutting-edge professional theater and collaborative
Not much today can cross political, ethnic and denominational divides and unite people over shared values, while at the same time helping forge a bond
We had one job: escort JJ Eizik as he attempted to bike 175 miles in under 48 hours. JJ lost his leg to cancer at
In May of 2015, Senator Cory Booker was the keynote speaker at a Bergen County yeshiva’s annual scholarship reception here in New Jersey. Rabbi Shmuley
May these words of Torah serve as a merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h. This week we learned Zevachim 106.
Three disputes regarding tefillah bring to life the difference in approach that we described in last week’s column between Rav Mordechai Eliyahu and Chacham Ovadia
Parshat Eikev The tragic words that open this week’s haftarah (“Vatomer Tziyon azavani Hashem Vashem shechechani”) reflect the hopelessness of post-exile Zion who exclaims that
Aside from our knowledge of his father Maimon, we know very little about the family of Rambam. For example, we know nothing about his mother.