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September 28, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Sanhedrin 49

May these words of Torah serve as a merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h.   This week we learned Sanhedrin

Synergy of Blessing

It’s hard to believe that we are approaching the first birthday of our twin boys, Gavriel Yehuda and Michael Binyamin. As has been noted in

Tikun Olam and Aleinu

It is routinely taken for granted that the concept of tikun olam is integral to Aleinu. It turns out that this is probably not the

Arise and Shine

Parshat Ki Tavo Throughout these post-Tisha B’Av weeks, we have emphasized the point made by Tosafot (Megilla 31b) that the words of consolation and the

Kitten Around

We apparently own a cat, or possibly five. I don’t know. How do you take legal ownership of a cat? I ask because I don’t

How Long Will It Take?

Until two years ago most of us had never heard of Jo-Ann Hans. An event that took place on the corner of Westminster and New

Bike4Chai Raises Over $8 Million

Jeffrey Rosenfeld, Yechiel Stobezki and David Greenberg, all of Bergenfield, as well as Joshua Einhorn of Teaneck and his brother, TABC rebbe Rabbi Dovid Einhorn

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