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September 25, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Emunah in Day Schools

Mr. Robert Lebowitz wrote a letter to the editor in the April 4 edition saying he is “baffled” at the lack of classes about God

Israel: The World’s Punching Bag

Let me understand this: Hamas (yemach sh’mo) kills over 1,200 Israelis (H”YD) and takes over 200 hostages and world silence reigns supreme. (It should be

Haredim and the IDF

Rabbi Paul David Bloom in his commentary “Transforming the Haredi Draft Crisis Into a Chinuch and Chesed Opportunity” (April 4, 2024) seeks to legitimize the

Cancer: Why Me?

While I have always appreciated Dr. Alfred Neugut’s “Thoughts on Cancer” column, last week’s column was particularly personal to me, and I’m certain to many

Marketing the Messiah

“Mashiach is coming soon, do you have real estate in Israel? If not, don’t miss this opportunity!” (emphasis mine) As much as I want to

We Can Do Even More

I applaud the RCBC’s enhanced efforts to mobilize our local community to respond to the unprecedented challenges it faces, and believe the RCBC’s leadership can

Emunah in Our Schools

I was recently at my friend’s Purim seudah. His children were present and we got in a conversation about what one of his teenaged sons

The 2024 Blood Libel

To my liberal Jewish friends whom I love dearly: Our people are used to blood libels. We’ve endured them for millennia. Nothing new there. But

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