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September 19, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Love Shouldn’t Hurt

Yes, domestic abuse happens in our community among all backgrounds, in both wealthy and modest neighborhoods.  It is the silent secret our neighbors are battling

Missing the Point on Trump

I was amused at Mr. Sandor’s letter blasting my defense of President Trump (“Drain the Trump Swamp,” September 6, 2018). I write many letters to

Drain the Trump Swamp

Mr. Wisotsky’s rose-colored glasses seem to have become completely opaque and he encourages us to “fiddle while Rome burns” (“Understanding Trump’s Strategy” August 30, 2018).

Understanding Trump’s Strategy

In this issue’s front page article and editorial (“Trump: Israel to ‘Pay’ for Embassy Move” August 22, 2018 and “No, Mr. President, the Only ‘Turn’

Expressing Hakarat Hatov

Please allow me to express hakarat hatov to both Chopstix and to the Dunkin Donuts on Teaneck Road at State Street. Each of these establishments

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