What Occupation?
Another day and a new slew of articles on the web, in the media or on blogs decrying the “occupation of Judea and Samaria” by
Another day and a new slew of articles on the web, in the media or on blogs decrying the “occupation of Judea and Samaria” by
On behalf of the RCBC and all of its members, I sincerely hope that Rabbi Helfgot will remain a member of the RCBC. Rabbi Helfgot
The RCBC has, for many decades, served as an umbrella organization of Orthodox rabbis that has helped establish and develop the physical and spiritual infrastructure
Two and a half years ago, after serving on the board as vice president for two years, I was asked to consider running for president
To qualify as Pro-Israel, an elected official only has one responsibility – to vote for bills that strengthen Israel and the U.S.-Israel relationship. If they
I was stunned by the incident related by Rabbi Jachter in his column this past week in The Jewish Link (“An Eye-Opening Episode on the
I recently walked by a northern New Jersey yeshiva and was intentionally taunted by a student who shouted something personal in my direction. The student’s
I would like to commend Rabbi Rothwachs and The Jewish Link for bringing the issue of high school admissions to the public’s attention. Personally, it
As parents, we have often noted the central and, perhaps, oversized role sports plays in our community, both in our schools and at home. Over
The RCBC has, for many decades, served as an umbrella organization of Orthodox rabbis that has helped establish and develop the physical and spiritual infrastructure
I was impressed with the incisive observations made by Ezra Epstein in your January 17 edition under the title “Can Modern Orthodoxy Survive the Smartphone
Mr. Wisotsky is such a hardcore ideologue that he twists an uplifting story of a young lady performing a mitzvah (“Preteen’s Chesed Gives Hope for