Name-Calling in Ad Goes Too Far
I am writing about page 34 of The Jewish Link that contained an advertisement from the Rabbinical Alliance of America, titled “Psak Halacha on Female
I am writing about page 34 of The Jewish Link that contained an advertisement from the Rabbinical Alliance of America, titled “Psak Halacha on Female
It was the summer of 1971 (12 days in the month of Av). My 27-year-old brother, Heshy, a physician at New York Hospital, was riding
Recently I had the opportunity to read The Jewish Link (“Polish TV Exec: Auschwitz Should Be Called ‘Jewish Death Camp,’” January 31, 2018), shortly after
Over the past year or two, we in the traditional and Orthodox communities have waged a spirited debate over the role of women in public
Congratulations to Elisheva Perlman on her amazing MRKT event (“Elisheva Perlman Brings the MRKT to Women,” February 22, 2018) that sends the “powerful message for
A close family friend and young member of a community close to our hearts suffers from kidney failure and must have a kidney transplant, blood
The school shooting in Florida is a horrific tragedy by any standard. Unfortunately, mass shootings have been a staple in America for a long time.
In 1953 Purim fell on March 1. That day murderous Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin collapsed of stroke (or poison) and died without regaining consciousness four
Thank you for helping to take the stress out of shopping for teenage girls (“How to Stay in Vogue and in Harmony With Your Teen,”
I read with interest Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot’s article responding to the earlier “School Calendar Wars” piece (“Shorter School Days and the Jewish Day School Calendar,”
Last week’s Jewish Link (“NJ Federation Leaders Meet With Rutgers President Barchi,” February 8, 2018) describes a meeting between NJ Federation leaders and President Barchi
The tragic murder of yet another Jew in the Land of Israel raises a host of possibilities for a response. The answer to this latest