Letters To the Editor:
To the Editor: We are the proud parents of one of the Winter Camp participants referenced in recent JLNJ articles, “Frisch Hosts Friendship Circle Winter
To the Editor: We are the proud parents of one of the Winter Camp participants referenced in recent JLNJ articles, “Frisch Hosts Friendship Circle Winter
To the Editor: Thank you for coverage of the dedication of the Alisa wing at RYNJ. However, the otherwise fine reporting neglected to indicate clearly
To the Editor: As the student co-President of JLIC Toronto, I think it’s time I got involved in this conversation. I didn’t want to, but
To the Editor: In an effort to deflect the actual issues regarding metzitza bipeh, lawyer Akiva Shapiro (letters, September 25) accuses me of rendering, in
To the Editor: Several people have asked about where to find shoe repairs with the closure of Manor Shoes. I am happy to report that
To the Editor: Thank you for printing the front page article “Could Foreigners Who served in Israeli Army Face War Crimes Charges?” By Barak Ravid
To the Editor: I don’t believe I had ever seen a halachic decision rendered by a newspaper editorial until I was sent yours concerning metzitza
To the Editor: If it walks like a duck and it quacks, does it matter whether you call it a sports bar or sports restaurant?
To the Editor: I find it appalling that so many American Jews think that proving they’re not racist is a more important goal than protecting
To the Editor: Regarding “Reclaiming Modern Orthodoxy” (JLBC 8/14/2014). When I came to this country, some 25 years ago, I tried to understand the trends,
To the Editor: I am the author of the 9/11 Museum article that Adam referenced in his piece, “March of the Living.” If possible, can
To the Editor: As CEO and owner of an Executive Search firm, The Joel Paul Group, I read with interest Y. Lieber’s article (7/17, p.69).