To the Editor: We write in response to the letter from Rabbi Eisenman in last issue of the JLBC. Dear Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman: We
To the Editor: We write in response to the letter from Rabbi Eisenman in last issue of the JLBC. Dear Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman: We
Words seem meaningless this week, even as millions of words have been uttered in prayer and written in newspapers and on social media, because there
To the Editor With a heavy heart I can’t help but think of the following verse from this week’s Torah Portion – Balak: “How goodly
To the Editor: Since the June 12 kidnapping of three Israeli students in the West Bank by Hamas, the world’s press seems to be complying
To the Editor: I just wanted to thank you for the article in the Jewish Link (Cover article – May 15 “Team Zeidel Rallies Community
Dear Honored County, State and Federal Leaders: I write you today as a Councilmember representing the Township of Teaneck, a multi-cultural diverse community of close
To the Editor: While I appreciate Mr. [sic] Chanes attempt at categorizing different groups within the Jewish World, I find it slightly disingenuous. While quick
To the Editor: Thank you so much for the opportunity to express all of the emotions we as Temple Emeth parents have been experiencing this
To the Editor: I was disappointed by the exaggerated coverage in the Jewish Link of Rabbi Yechiel Abuchatzeira’s upcoming appearance at a charity event in
To the Editor, Thank you very much for your article about last week’s Yom Haatzmaut celebration in Teaneck. We would like to add our thanks
To the Editor: There is one long-serving member of the Teaneck Council that I wish to single out in urging you to re-elect an effective
According to Webster’s a knee-jerk reaction is an immediate unthinking emotional reaction produced by an event or statement to which the reacting person is highly