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September 24, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Don’t Shame Children

Rabbi Dr. Wallace Greene brings up an important issue in his article “The Entitled Generation(s): Part I” in the May 18, 2023 edition. He shares

Read the Facts on the US Antisemitism Strategy

On May 25, the United States government issued its first-ever National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. It included definitions, history, characterizations, current status, executive orders, proposals,

A Torah for Tova

I enjoy reading Michael Feldstein’s “Meet Me in the Middle” column, but last week’s article about his daughter, z”l, and the hachnosas Torah made in

Teaneck Is Full

Not literally of course. However, as you can read in Nechama Polak’s updates on local housing stock, as of last issue there are only 58

Respectful Disagreement

I read Rabbi Dr. Joshua Waxman’s article with interest and respect (“Gittin 2a: Befanai Nechtav,” May 25, 2023). In it, he admits that the way

iDeclutter Success Story

Your very enticing articles by the iDeclutter lady was enough for me to take the Big Step. I met with Ellen and was more than

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