March 12, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


The Tools Parents Need

I would like to preface this with a great deal of appreciation for educators such as Rabbi Goldmintz who dedicate their lives to inculcating Jewish

Do We Show Up?

As often happens after reading an important article in The Jewish Link, my husband and I found ourselves in a spirited conversation with friends at

Let’s Use Chasdei Lev’s Example

I read the letter from “Name withheld” (“Supporting Jewish Educators,” March 23, 2023), a parent who was moved by a column written by another “name

Memories of My Jewish Link Days

Reading the thoughts of people who have worked or currently work at The Jewish Link brought back many memories. Writing for The Jewish Link made

Creating Jewish Links

My family and I want to be added to the strong chorus of people who send appreciative accolades to you and your whole staff. Mazel

Combing for Sins

The Gemara (Kiddushin 81a) records a remarkable incident. Rabbi Akiva, the greatest Tannaitic sage, taunts the yetzer hara, evil inclination, whereby the yetzer hara then

Supporting Jewish Educators

Thanks for a great newspaper. I read with interest the Jewish Link article reprinted from 18Forty by the rebbe who shared the frightful financial state

Anti-Israel Rhetoric in West Orange

Editor’s note: After the events discussed below, emails were sent to the memberships of Congregations AABJ&D and Ohr Torah. Their combined message is reprinted with

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