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September 22, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Mazal Tov on 400 Issues

Mazal tov, and thank you! Aside from growing The Link, you have also helped with growing the Bergen County Jewish community and now many other

Grateful on Sukkot

Last week’s storm caused half of our schach to fall down. This small inconvenience reminded me of our good fortune that our family has a

Children Wearing Masks

Regarding the objection to my recent article on the potential benefits of children wearing masks by a letter writer (“Against Children Wearing Masks” September 15,

Against Children Wearing Masks

In response to last week’s Jewish Link article “Wearing a Mask Can Help Your Child Learn” (September 9, 2021), I must, on every level, speak

Shanah Tova, Nina Glick!

Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 5782! Your column is the first page I turn to each week. Thanks for your words

Why Be Religious?

Two articles in your September 9 issue left me somewhat dissatisfied: “Why Some Choose to Be Religious and Others Do Not” by Rabbi Haim Jachter;

Federation Is Hard at Work

We read with interest a recent letter to the editor regarding antisemitism in the local community, which asks, “Where is Federation?” (August 26, 2021) Federation

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