A Tribute to My Friend, Dr. Chaya Gorsetman, z”l
I had the honor of working with Dr. Chaya Gorsetman at Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University, in the preservice undergraduate educator preparation program for
I had the honor of working with Dr. Chaya Gorsetman at Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University, in the preservice undergraduate educator preparation program for
I would like to thank Rabbi Yisrael Motzen for his article “A First Step: LGBTQ+ and the Frum Community” (September 27, 2021) for pointing out
I was mesmerized by the family hespedim and those of Rabbi Dr. Berman and Rav Herschel Schachter. Rabbi Berman “nailed” it with his comment that
We are currently seventh graders at Yavneh Academy. Over the past few months we have had the amazing privilege and opportunity to intern at Jerusalem
On Tuesday, November 2, I hope you will join us to vote for governor, members of the state Senate and Assembly and local school board
May the best man win in the election for governor of New Jersey: That would be Jack Ciattarelli. The Democrats are the party of open
Tuesday November 2 is Election Day, it is critical to our communities that you exercise your power of the vote, especially at the local level.
Mazel tov on 400! That’s a HUGE accomplishment. Your newspaper is already one of our community’s great institutions: it fulfills a important community need and
Your Sept 30 issue speaks about the 400 years in the Torah and the laudatory 400 issues of The Jewish Link (“Four Hundred Editions of
Dear Moshe, Mazal tov on publishing issue #400. I remember when starting the paper was a dream. “Dreams do come true.” Wishing you continued hatzlacha.
Mazal tov, and thank you! Aside from growing The Link, you have also helped with growing the Bergen County Jewish community and now many other
Rabbi Eliach headed the Meshek Yaladim Moza institution for child survivors of the Holocaust, instilling Jewish values in people most likely to question them. He