Thank You, Rabbi Adler
Our family joined the Rinat community when we moved to Teaneck as I began ninth grade at TABC in 1994, and it has been inspiring
Our family joined the Rinat community when we moved to Teaneck as I began ninth grade at TABC in 1994, and it has been inspiring
“All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” When Shakespeare wrote these words over 400 years ago I’m sure he
Now that we are approaching Elul and the Yomim Noraim period, we start thinking about Rosh Hashanah and the new year of 5782. It is
This summer I had the unique opportunity to work in the Ben & Jerry’s store in Englewood. A chance to work somewhere unlike any other
Although Ben & Jerry’s and its parent company Unilever announced that they will not be leaving Israel, the KOF-K is quite concerned about Ben &
Under the terms and conditions of Unilever’s purchase of Ben & Jerry’s, it was determined that the board of the ice cream manufacturer should remain
It’s no secret that “Ben” Cohen & “Jerry” Greenfield are wealthy Jewish ultra-progressives. When they sold their iconic ice cream public company in 2000 for
Earlier this week, I wrote a letter to the editor in which I said, “In response to the Kof-K quote (“Ben & Jerry’s New Flavor:
A letter to the editor in The Jewish Link issue of July 22, “Setting the Record Straight on Israel,” chastised those Jews who believe Israel
I read Sandy Eller’s article (“Heart to Haart: Orthodox Women Strike Back at Netflix Miniseries #ThisIsOrthodox” July 22, 2021) in The Jewish Link about the
Every Jew, and friends of Israel, must immediately stop buying Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. They have written that Israel’s actions are “inconsistent with its
The last issue of The Jewish Link (July 15, 2021) had a few unrelated items that caught my eye (“Poll: 25% of American Jewish Voters