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September 21, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


The Mi Sheberach Debate

Rabbi Daniel Alter’s article (“The Future of Our Shuls Post-Pandemic,” December 3, 2020) brought to light many issues and opportunities that shuls will have to

The History of Harlem I Never Knew

Thank you for that informational and enlightening article on the evolvement and development of Jewish Harlem by the “Two Sues” (“The Jewish History of Harlem:

Thank You to Rabbi Kenny Schiowitz

We find ourselves sandwiched between two events that focus on expressing our gratitude and thanks. On the secular calendar, Thanksgiving has recently passed. On the

We Are All in This Together

We are all in this together! Really?!? I think that’s one of the most overused slogans, and probably one of the most untrue. We may

Giving Thanks

In an age where the terms “giving thanks, grateful and hero” are inserted into our daily conversations, we would be remiss if we didn’t also

Get the Facts Right

I’m bothered when people confuse political opinion with fact. In “American Olim Reflect on the Biden Victory” in the Nov 19 issue, JJ Sussman is

The Role of Rabbis

Kudos to Ryan Hyman and Richard Langer for their letters in the November 12 edition of your paper (“In Defense of Our Community” and “Don’t

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