Consolation and Compassion
As we move out of the mourning of Tisha B’Av, and into our preparations for the High Holy Days, we are given tools of consolation.
As we move out of the mourning of Tisha B’Av, and into our preparations for the High Holy Days, we are given tools of consolation.
Step # 3 Part 2 ולפני עור לא תתן מכשל And you shall not place a stumbling block before the blind (Vayikra 19:14) After reading
My earliest memory of helping anyone purge and organize their clothes closet was in 11th grade. Phylicia, one of my best friends at the time,
Sometimes the scariest thing to a writer is the blank page. I learned that from Professor Toporoff, my first creative writing professor in college. Can’t
Last month, this column discussed the myths about legalizing marijuana, and its impact on our children. A few weeks later, we were invited to attend
(BPT) Mornings can be a bit chaotic as you fight the clock to get out the door on time. This is especially true if you
America has a new celebrity. Esther Wojciciki is a mother, a grandmother and an experienced educator. Her claim to fame is that all three of
After capturing a candid photo of me kneeling on his living room rug, eye level with his newborn baby, Solly, situated in her car seat,
Step # 3 Part 1 ולפני עור לא תתן מכשל And you shall not place a stumbling block before the blind (Vayikra 19:14) Q1) Why
Nobody wants to spend money on things they never use, least of all clothes that take up space in the closet and never get worn.
Step # 2 Part 2 לא תשנא את אחיך בלבבך You shall not hate your brother in your heart (Vayikra 19:17) When teaching Step #2
So I’ve been thinking a lot about the (upcoming) legalization of marijuana and what it means for our kids. Many of you readers know that