Ruminations on Thanksgiving: What Are We Thankful For?
As some of our readers may know, my son Eric, z”l, took his own life less than four years ago, after suffering from mental health
As some of our readers may know, my son Eric, z”l, took his own life less than four years ago, after suffering from mental health
(Permission granted to reprint from The Yated Magazine Shidduch Forum, August 2, 2019) Question: A shadchan thinks of a shidduch and suggests the idea to
With only one experience under my belt, I don’t know whether the phenomenon I witnessed was singular or representative of a larger trend. After tremendous
Today’s dating scene is often hyper-focused on externals. “Great catches” are described as people who are professionally successful or physically attractive, rather than people who
Step # 4Part 3 פתח תפתח את ידך לאחיך לעניך ולאבינך בארצך “Open your hand to your brother, to your poor and to the needy
When my father returned to the States after serving in the Army Air Corps during World War II, he bought a pet supply retail store
I was eagerly gearing up for my international trip. I planned on traveling to Europe and touring Greece. In order to prepare, I began studying
Stanton Street Shul, a historic and active synagogue on the Lower East Side, is hosting its latest art show: “The Pen and the Knife: Jewish
NEFESH International is pleased to announce its upcoming 23rd Annual Conference that will take place from December 12 to 15 at the Hyatt Regency in
How often should I wash my wig? The standard answer given is usually about every 20-30 times one wears it. However, as with everything, there
For bridesmaids, finding a dress for a wedding can be stressful, to say the least. Luckily, Just Ask Jade is here to help. The virtual
About a year ago, I stopped at a Teaneck eatery to pick up some food and I noticed that a small group of girls was