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September 19, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Iran’s Plan to Destabilize Egypt

The Iranian regime’s new en­emy, it seems, is Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. Iran’s mullahs apparently fear Sisi’s secular stance against Islamist movements, and see

Birthright Needs to Show Everything

Recently, two articles appeared in Haaretz that should have come as no surprise to those working in Israel engagement. In one, Chemi Shalev discusses the

“Billions For Education?”

Should Israel Be a Funder of Day-School Education in the Diaspora? “Don’t worry America, Israel is behind you.” The popular t-shirt bearing this slogan usually

In Defense of the Tuition Tax

A few weeks ago, Ely Rosenstock wrote a wonderful piece about the “tuition tax” and the need for parents to make sound financial decisions based

What’s “Orthodox”? A New Taxonomy

What is “Orthodox”? Is it “Haredi”? Is it “Mod­ern”? Is it “Ultra” (ugh)? Is it “Yeshivish”? A conversation with Alan Cooperman of the Pew Research

There Was No “Good” Hitler

In an article recently printed in a pro-Kremlin newspaper, Andranik Migranyan, head of a pro-Russian organization in Manhattan, suggested that had Hitler stopped in 1939

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