Before Finals Frisch Gathers to Honor the Year Past
To celebrate a great year of learning, growth, community, pursuing individual passions and meaningful relationships, Frisch held its annual closing program just before classes broke
To celebrate a great year of learning, growth, community, pursuing individual passions and meaningful relationships, Frisch held its annual closing program just before classes broke
Children’s Author Meets With RYNJ Second Grade RYNJ second grade’s author study of Cynthia Rylant culminated with a visit from another children’s book author, Andria
Noam Students Devote Time to Daf Yomi Thanks to the inspiration and under the guidance of their teacher, Rabbi Benjamin Pomper, over twenty Yeshivat Noam
Sixth grade girls in Mrs. Miriam Shteingart’s science class completed a unit on volcanoes with some real explosions!
Last week, Ben Porat Yosef third graders snacked on kale—after checking for bugs and making a beautiful bracha—that BPY students had themselves planted in the
As part of its eighth grade leadership program, Bruriah’s junior high hosted its second Big Sister event for first grade students of the JEC’s Yeshiva
End of Year Marked With Meaningful Celebrations and Moving Ceremonies The RKYHS Class of 2016 participated in their inspirational graduation ceremony and officially joined the
The Yavneh Academy fifth graders raised an amazing $17,000 on behalf of Chai Lifeline during their parsha-thon fundraiser. The students were treated to a Mets
After months of developing their ideas, attending workshops and presentations by various business professors and executives and receiving mentorship from Sy Syms School of Business
It has become an annual end-of-year tradition that TABC students from Rabbi Jachter’s shiur walk to Teaneck Road and get an insider’s look at the
Bruriah Junior High School welcomed students from the JEC’s Yeshiva of Elizabeth sixth grade for their annual visit and luncheon. A delectable lunch was served
The Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School Senior Sessions program hosted Ms. Sara Frieberg, the JLIC educator from Rutgers University. Senior Sessions is designed to educate