RKYHS Girls Get Inspired at Drisha
The RKYHS ninth and tenth grade girls honors Talmud class had a day of intensive learning at Drisha Institute for Jewish Education. Drisha provides students
The RKYHS ninth and tenth grade girls honors Talmud class had a day of intensive learning at Drisha Institute for Jewish Education. Drisha provides students
Students at JKHA/RKYHS and a younger sibling, all of whom ranged in age from four through 16, a JKHA/RKYHS alumna and a JKHA faculty member
The Yeshiva of Elizabeth’s celebration of National Jewish Book Month has begun. As part of month-long activities, the Yeshiva is holding a school-wide read-a-thon. The
When planning programming for Chanukah, considerable efforts are often placed on emphasizing some of Chanukah’s long-standing traditions. Chagigot, sufganiyot and zemirot are the norm and
Last Thursday, Professor Nathan Aviezer, a world renowned physicist at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, visited Yeshiva University High School for Boys (MTA) to give a
Elementary School Science Teacher The Yeshivat Noam fifth grade scientists have been using the scientific method to make discoveries and collect data. They compared the
Last Friday, the TABC halls were filled with the aromas of erev Shabbat. The Gemara in Kiddushin tells us that the most illustrious rabbanim would
Yavneh Academy middle school students had the privilege of hearing from Tamir Goodman. He shared his experiences as a Division I college basketball player who
During Chanukah, RYNJ middle school boys participated in Flame Games 5776. The programming was designed with academic components as well as activities to engage students
The Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies held its annual Israel Summer Program and Gap Year Fair last week at The Moriah School in
Frisch on Fire was a blazing success. The annual Chanukah chagigah featured words of Torah, Greek-inspired relay racing and beautiful singing, dancing and achdut, followed
Ben Porat Yosef students from Early Childhood through eighth grade enjoyed special Chanukah programming throughout last week. Grades 1 through 8 joined together for Hallel