Yeshivat Noam K Students Create Bereishit Game
In Kindergarten, the creation of and playing of the Bereishit Game is a fun and hands on way to understand and reinforce what was created
In Kindergarten, the creation of and playing of the Bereishit Game is a fun and hands on way to understand and reinforce what was created
“Avraham Avinu” (Rav Tomer Ronen, Rosh HaYeshiva) and “Sarah Imenu” (Jessica Kohn, Early Childhood Director), welcomed Ben Porat Yosef early childhood students into their tent
The JKHA second grade recently began a new writing unit about personal narratives. Personal narratives are stories written by students about an event or situation
The new RKYHS freshman and sophomore Yesodot classes are in the process of creating something sustainable which will last far beyond their classes this year:
Ma’ayanot alumnae Tali Spier (’13) and Rina Landsman (’13), along with Stern College student Esti Hoffman, are serving as Ma’ayanot College Fellows this year. In
The Moriah School nursery children role-played as Avraham Avinu in their own class ohel (tent). They played, had tefillah, chatif(snack) and sang Hatikvah.
RTMA learns about Israel advocacy from prestigious Israeli educator Neil Lazarus. Lazarus is the director of AwesomeSeminars.com, an advocacy website that partnered with the Israeli
In honor of Parshat Vayera, the children in JKHA’s N3 class learned about the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming guests). They heard how Avraham and
Yavneh Academy Early Childhood students brought Parshat Lech Lecha to life when they traveled with their packed suitcases from Charan and joined fifth grade classes
Yeshivat He’Atid’s second grade students leave the classroom to experience hands-on farming at City Green as part of the life science curriculum.
Ma’ayanot students served as ushers at The Shabbos Project’s Great Big Challah Bake, a meaningful chesed event with over 1400 women in attendance.