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September 24, 2024
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Rosh Hashana: Tipping the Scales

Once in the town of Leonia there lived a simple, righteous man named Manny and his not-so-simple righteous wife Rivka. Manny and Rivka had been


Recently, I wrote about marriage and the necessity of not commenting or even looking or thinking about your spouse in areas that he/she wants or

Gazans Speak Out: Hamas War Crimes

While the world’s media has been blaming Israel for the death of Gazan civilians during Operation Protective Edge, this correspondent decided to speak with Gazans

Remembering With Silverware

Every Erev Rosh Hashanah we take out the silver chest which holds the sterling silver cutlery Nina’s grandparents used for many years in Berlin and

Can Modern Orthodoxy Survive?

The culture wars have come to the Modern Orthodox movement. Is a schism on the horizon? (This appeared first in Mosaic Magazine, reprinted with permission)

Against Open Orthodoxy

(This appeared in Mosaic Magazine, reprinted first with permission) During my almost 40 years as a pulpit rabbi, I have developed a reputation for liberal

By A Show of Hands

Many times, you’ll be in a place and they’ll want to see who is interested in something. It may be a vote for what to

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