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September 24, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Rutherford Beth El Welcomes New Rabbi

Temple Beth El of Rutherford welcomes its new rabbi, Yitzchok Lerman. Arriving just in time for Rosh Hashana, Rabbi Lerman and his brother-in-law, Rabbi Eliezer

Lawlessness on the Rails

Jerusalem–Hailed as a model of modernization and praised for the increased efficiency of the city’s transportation system, the Citipass Light Rail began operations in 2011

Murder By Any Name is Murder

Livingston–A “just kill,” was how Ali Muhammad Brown described the June 25 murder by gunshot wound of a young man who happened to fit his

Making Our Voices Heard On Captiol Hill

In the aftermath of Operation Protective Edge, when Hamas terrorists launched indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israel and Israel endured unwarranted criticism in the international community,

Changing the Channel!!!

Shh!!!! Please do not tell anyone but yes we do have one of them – a TV. We bought our TV so many years ago

Off and On the Orthodox Path

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the days in between them mark the season of teshuva–which in Hebrew literally means “to return,” but in the context

Laws That Protect and Serve

While the mitzvot in the Torah fall into two general categories, chok (a commandment without the need for reason) and mishpot (a rational, reason-based commandment),

Happy Birthday, Universe:

The midrash says Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the universe. That brings us to the very beginning, to Creation itself, and begs a question…

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