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September 23, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


It Pays to Be Nice

We are proud to intro­duce this new regular column written by Te­aneck-based, Englewood-residing attorney Jordan Comet. The Comet Corner will touch on a wide array

Reclaiming Modern Orthodoxy

Rabbi Gor­dimer’s writ­ings have af­forded the community an opportunity to seriously reflect on issues important to the entire Jew­ish community. Studying our tradi­tion in its

Do I Know You?

Have you ever had the experience of pass­ing by someone you know, or who walks by without acknowledging you? Or do you some­times feel that

Aggie Adler Always Adapts

“I always have to find a new way and reinvent my­self,” says 85-year-old Aggie Adler. She wants to help people and says, “God gave me

The Interview Process: The Interview!

After all of the work get­ting your resume together, researching the company, planning ahead, and pre­paring for the interview… the day has arrived. Hopefully at


Before each of our sons was born, husband #1 and I would discuss what they would look like, which of our traits they would inherit.

Look! Don’t Think!

For those of you who don’t want to hear the sch- word during the summer, I’m giving you five seconds to stop read­ing this article.

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