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September 23, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


A Blogger Among Us: Al Kustanowtiz

At midnight on Sat­urday through Thursday, one can find Al Kustanow­itz sitting alone scouring the internet. He is not checking box scores, reviewing stock trends,

Good for Nothing

After the publica­tion of my book, I gave a copy to R’ Paysach Krohn, who was kind enough to discuss it with me dur­ing the

Updating Your Résumé? Really?

There was a time when one applied for a job s/he was required to submit a résumé to a potential employer. The résumé generally spoke

Jewish Geography

When Jews meet other Jews for the first time, they typically engage is a classic Jewish past-time known as Jewish Geography. It is neither a


On Father’s Day, I was left to my own devices. My three sons got to spend the day with their father in the quaint city

It Hurts to be Beautiful

I guess I should have listened to Mama, Esther thought ruefully as she rubbed the angry blister blossoming on the back of her heel. Today

YU’s “Summer Camp” For Israeli Communities

Jerusalem—The Yeshiva University Cent­er for the Jewish Future ( re­cently announced that its “Counterpoint Israel Program,” an immersive service-learning initia­tive that aims to empower the

Yonina Weinberg & RESPECS

When Yonina Weinberg, a Yeshivat Noam middle schooler, turned 3, she had to pay a visit to an ophthalmologist, Dr. Brian Cam­polatarro aka “Dr. Brian,”

Shopping is Now a Mitzvah

If you could help send sick children to Camp Simcha with just one extra click every time you shopped online, you’d do it, right? That’s

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