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September 20, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Yom Yerushalayim was WHEN?

If I asked you what holiday was this past week, you would unquestionably answer, “Memorial Day.” Unfortunately, that is incorrect because Memorial Day is not

Reality Television

I am sure that there are many people who are op­posed to reality televi­sion. One might think it is a waste of time. I happen

New Leadership Manual Based On Bamidbar

The interdisciplinary field of leadership studies is booming. University lecture halls on the topic are overflowing, and books by “leadership gurus” are flying off of

Used To Be

“Used to be,” it was easy to get a mortgage. Provide minimal doc­umentation and you could get an 80% LTV first mortgage. “Used to be,”

Financing a College Education

The student loan debt statistics cited by the Feder­al Reserve referred to 2011 graduates. It did not consid­er those who borrowed for college, but did

Those Unforgettable Teachers

It’s the end of anoth­er school year, the stu­dents are getting ready to move on, and I won­der what they will re­member down the road.

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