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September 21, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT


Pesach Defines Who Is a Jew

The distinctiveness of Pesach lies not its unique rituals but in that, unlike all others holidays, it answers the question of who is a Jew.

Jews in Egypt: Today

Jews leaving Egypt carrying the wealth of the land that enslaved them, rejoicing in their liberation and knowledge of how they were spared the 10

A World of Haggadot

Every family has its own Pesach traditions, and every family has its haggadot of choice. Whether it’s a full set of Art Scroll for everyone,

Pesach Chocolate Therapy for Sale

Teaneck—Lush, deep, dark, smooth chocolate is certainly one thing that makes eight days of matzoh more appetizing. “I can honestly tell you that one can

How to Feed Your Pet for Pesach

Teaneck—When purchasing chometz-free food for Pesach, remember to buy for your pet as well. “We are not allowed to derive benefit from chometz so we

Romancing Your Marriage

1) Arrange for a “date” with your spouse. Make all the arrangements before letting him/her know. 2) Get tickets for something your spouse would enjoy—for

Shalva Marathon: A Chesed Run

On your mark, get set, GO! And with those words 26,000 runners from across 50 countries began the 4th International Jerusalem Marathon last month. Team

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